Moving on is the best thing anyone can do.
With or without people you thought you loved,
people who you thought were there for you,
people you thought could never be replaced,
and people who always had your back,
then one day you turn around and your back is bare.
Those people probably can never be replaced,
cherish the memorys you have,
enjoy them, and never hate.
God will be with you,
even through the night when theres a big tear stain on your pillow.
Every tear you cry,
God sees.
Everytime you cry his name,
God hears.
Crying isn't a shameful thing,
sometimes you just have to let it out.
God's with you.
And will be always and forever.
With or without people you thought you loved,
people who you thought were there for you,
people you thought could never be replaced,
and people who always had your back,
then one day you turn around and your back is bare.
Those people probably can never be replaced,
cherish the memorys you have,
enjoy them, and never hate.
God will be with you,
even through the night when theres a big tear stain on your pillow.
Every tear you cry,
God sees.
Everytime you cry his name,
God hears.
Crying isn't a shameful thing,
sometimes you just have to let it out.
God's with you.
And will be always and forever.
Oh my dear sweet Kim, I hurt for you, cried with you and pleaded with God on your behalf to lead you through that. I am so thankful to Him for all that he brought you through and for your willingness to learn from it. Keep looking to Him to Lead you and don't ever look back with bitterness or hate. God will use all of this and redeem it for your good. I heard this song today and it made me think of you. "Good morning, the night is over and gone, I thought once this dark would last so long, feel the sunlight on my face, you have brought me through this place. Jesus, Jesus you found me through the long night you led me." Oh my sweet girl, God has truly led you and I am so proud of you for following Him.
Thanks mom!!! I love you so much!